It’s time for a change

NSL has been created with the ambition that the orchestras will once again take ownership over their recordings.

The orchestras continue to record music, and we will support this activity by letting the musicians choose what music they play and what direction they will take their art.

In a nutshell:
We help you cut the middleman and take back ownership of what you create

We are here to:

• Ensure that the individual orchestra is visible and profiled on all relevant streaming platforms

• Ensure that the individual orchestra receives a high number of views /plays of their releases

• Secure that the orchestras acquire new audience through visibility on digital platforms.

• Ensure that the individual orchestras regain ownership of their recordings, and that the publishing policy supports their artistic profile

• Ensure that any surplus / profit goes to the individual orchestra.

• Strengthen the overall interest in classical music created by Nordic orchestra

The individual orchestras have very limited resources to develop their position in the market and therefore a common label is established: created as a coop, it is owned by the orchestras. By joining forces, the orchestras can achieve more knowledge about the market, develop competences in order to stay relevant, and possess a large bargaining power vis-à-vis the streaming platforms and thus achieve greater visibility and a wider audience.
— Ole, Cofounder of NSL